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Game Details

Date/Time: Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Location: http://www.buzzflash.org
Score: 24 - 76
Winner: Alberto Gonzales
Name: Michele Bachmann
Seed: 3
Michele "Madwoman" Bachmann

The "workingest" gal of the GOP, Bachmann is well-known for her Palin-esque wordsmithery and her notorious make-out session with former President George W. Bush.

But there's a lot people don't know about her. Bachmann's favorite TV show is The Sopranos, her biggest pet peeve is scientists who believe in global warming and her superpower is X-ray vision.

After God tells her that her time is up in Congress, Bachmann plans to either orchestrate a holy war against the Islamic world or stay home and to be sure dinner is on for her husband when he comes home from a long day of un-gaying people at the clinic.
Name: Alberto Gonzales
Seed: 6
Alberto "Fredo" Gonzales

Called "Fredo" by President Shrub, Al played loyal consigliere to the Bush Crime family, and most particularly to Dubya. In Texas, he helped make a Dubya DUI story go away just in time for the 2000 election, which you could say was a key play that carryied teammate Dubya into the White House. He also helped escort reformed, God-fearing criminals to the oft-occupied Texas electric chair.

In D.C. Fredo came out of the team huddle with improvised opinions that let Dubya do most anything, post 9/11. The D.C. crowd never warmed to Gonzo, but confirmed him as AG anyway. Al's not-so-friendly visit to his predecessor's hospital room didn't come out till later.

AG Gonzo thoroughly politicized the Justice Department, then told the refs he couldn’t recall much of anything from his tenure on that team. With the refs prepared to eject him from the game, Fredo walked off the court. AttorneyGate remains in dispute and may go into overtime. At least Fredo wasn't kicked upstairs to replace Sandra Day O'Connor on the US Supreme Court. Matter of fact, ex-AG Fredo is still looking for work.

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