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Game Details

Date/Time: TBA
Location: Board 8
Score: 8-4
Winner: Creole Fantasm
Name: Creole Fantasm
*Character Name: Creole Fantasm
*Your Username: EDumey
*Gender: Male
Age: 34
Birthday: November 2
Birthplace: LA
Height: 5' 9
Weight: 160 lbs.
*Race: French
Media Appeared In: Every type imaginable.
Known Relatives: None alive. All died tragically.
Known Friends: None, he's quite morose.
Known Enemies: The Hip Hopster, The Metalrino
*Physical Description: Average height French dude that doesn't look at all intimidating. It's all part of the subterfuge. You'd expect his type to be moping in some substandard bar.
Abilities: Sweet Saxophone Music! His bluesy tunes sap the energy out of all who listen, while his upbeat tempos can revitalize his allies!
*Biography: Creole led a life full of tragic disheartening events, all events that have led him down a dark road. Just one day, he picked up his sax and played in public, only to find that he could affect everyone with his music. With this in stow, he found the will to keep living and fight on with his life!
*Strengths: Music, Hearing, Planning. He takes a clever approach at all times.
*Weaknesses: Not much of an instinctual actor. Low physical prowess, and can be caught off guard.
*Personality: He's the standard hero type that likes to shoulder all the burdens himself. Not because he has a duty to, just because he's a depressing sop that only lives to try and do something worthwhile. He helps any cause! As long as it doesn't interfere too much with his sleep schedule.
Famous Quotes: "Quit that infernal racket! Kids these days and their *Insert various non-jazz music form*..."
Other notes: He's not actually Creole in race. The fact of it sometimes depresses him.
Name: Dark Chocolate Chip
*Character Name: Dark Chocolate Chip
*Your Username: XIII is cool
*Gender: Male
Age: whatever
Birthday: whenever
Birthplace: the factory
Height: a couple of inches
Weight: not much
*Race: a Dark Chocolate Chip
Media Appeared In: the adventures of cookie boy
Known Relatives: other dark chocolate chips that are not sentient
Known Friends: None.
Known Enemies: White Chocolate Chip (kind of), Cookie Boy
*Physical Description: literally a dark chocolate chip, except bigger and sentient
Abilities: Power of awesomeness, has a bigger curl than white chocolate chips do, heat beam, immune to heat
*Biography: Became sentient in the same accident that caused White Chocolate Chip to become sentient. They are yin and yang, opposite sides of the same coin. While he yields the power to destroy her and sometimes wants to, he is ultimately madly and desperately in love with her. He constantly tries to impress her, and is insanely jealous of Cookie Boy to the point that he sometimes attacks Cookie Boy. Thanks to his daily amnesia, however, Cookie Boy is UNAWARE of what the problem is until White Chocolate Chip explains it.
*Strengths: Immunity to the deliciousness of Cookie Boy, since he does not have a mouth or sense of smell. This aids him in battles against Cookie Boy.
*Weaknesses: White Chocolate Chip in general.
*Personality: Obsessive, but with a caring side. Jerk with a heart of gold, mostly.
Famous Quotes: "Wherefore art thou, White Chocolate Chip"
Other notes: Literally a Dark Chocolate Chip.

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