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Game Details

Date/Time: TBA
Location: Board 8
Score: 11-1
Winner: Tornadoman
Name: Cookie Boy
*Character Name: COOKIE BOY
*Your Username: XIII is cool
*Gender: Male
Birthday: RECENTLY
Birthplace: The bakery.
Height: 15ft!
Media Appeared In: "the tales of the amazing COOKIE BOY!"
Known Relatives: Flapjacks
Known Friends: White Chocolate Chip, his sidekick
Known Enemies: Dark Chocolate Chip. He's a little racist. Also the DARK BAKERY OF DARK MAGIC.
*Physical Description: Quite simply, an overlarge cookie with legs and arms. That are also cookie flavoured and with the texture of cookies.
Abilities: being a huge cookie. Can distract people with his deliciousness.
*Biography: Cookie boy would have the potential to be a magnificent hero but unfortunately cookie boy is constantly being made and remade by the bakers. He is able to walk around and stuff, and every day the people at the DARK BAKERY OF DARK MAGIC make a NEW version of him to keep him fresh. This remakes his body, healing any issue he might have developed, without moving. The cookie-making process is transphysical. However, he also loses his memory, meaning he lacks a purpose in life and his constant amnesia makes it hard for him to do anything of any real significance. Fortunately, his sidekick, White Chocolate Chip, is able to film and take notes on the behaviour of Cookie Boy, and so he is able to slowly develop a purpose: defeat the DARK BAKERY OF DARK MAGIC in order to find piece.
*Strengths: the ability to be both delicious and huge
*Weaknesses: Milk
*Personality: It varies depending on how he was baked on that particular day. He has been all 7 dwarf emotions, but also lustful, sometimes a little rapey, and sometimes very violent towards White Chocolate Chip. He scares her when this happens, and she is forced to use her powers of sweet seductive awesomeness on him.
Famous Quotes: "What happened?"
"Hey baby, you like the taste of my arm? Why don't you try the rest?"
Other notes: Delicious
Name: Tornadoman
*Character Name: Tornadoman
*Your Username: Tornadoman78
*Gender: Male
Age: 33
Birthday: 1-10-78
Birthplace: Memphis, Tennessee
Height: 5'9
Weight: 200lbs
*Race: White
Media Appeared In: Tornadolayzers Cartoon series
Known Relatives: His mom
Known Friends: Tornadogirl and Captain J and other Tornadolayzers teammates
Known Enemies: Evilone and other evildoers teammates
*Physical Description: http://img.imgcake.com/tornadomanxi2mf2.jpg
Abilities: power pack
Weapons TornadoBlaster, Tornadorangs, Bolo balls Throwing stars, Missle Launcher, Grappling hooks, Smoke bombs
*Biography: real name Trey McAlexander
*Strengths: knows martal arts wrestling and Kick boxing skills
*Weaknesses: Soda and Tornadogirl
*Personality: Always confdent
Famous Quotes: stand back theirs a tornado warning coming after you

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