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Hamlet Madness 2013

Location: Farmington, Maine
Organization: Flight307 on Mt. Blue Campus

Times are displayed in your local time zone:

"To Be or Not to Be" Act 3.1 (64)
"Brevity is soul of wit" Act 2.2 (line 96)
"To Be or Not to Be" Act 3.1 (64)
"Hamlet is of the faction" Act 5.2 (252-3)
Winner of 9
Winner of 10
Winner of 11
Winner of 12
"Pity me not" Act 1.5 (line 9-10)
"When sorrows come" Act 4.5 (line 83-84)
"Pity me not" Act 1.5 (line 9-10)
"I am glad of it" Act 4.2 (line 23-4)
"Hamlet is of the faction" Act 5.2 (252-3)
"Call me what instrument" Act 3.2 (line 401-2)
"I do repent" Act 3.4 (line 194-196)
"When sorrows come" Act 4.5 (line 83-84)
"Something is Rotten" Act 1.4 (line 100)
"Could beauty . . " Act 3.1 (line 119-20)
"Something is Rotten" Act 1.4 (line 100)
"Revenge his foul" Act 1.5 (line 129)
"Though this be madness" Act 2.2 (line 223-4)
"But break my heart" Act 1.2 (line 161)
"Though this be madness" Act 2.2 (line 223-4)
"I heard thee speak me" Act 2.2 (434-5)
"This above all. . ." Act 1.3 (84-86)
"Revenge his foul" Act 1.5 (line 129)
"Oh that this" Act 1.2 (133-134)
"But break my heart" Act 1.2 (line 161)

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