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Game Details

Date/Time: TBA
Location: GR Gamepost
Score: 7-5
Winner: Chrono Trigger

Chrono Trigger is liked by just about everyone who's played it, but that number is small (though it is growing) so it's never done a ton in showdowns. And that trend should continue, even though there are more Chrono Trigger players than their were before, because it's opponent is Half-Life. The 2002 champion is always sniffing a 2nd championship, but has never gotten one. It's attempt for yet another one goes over CT, and it needs to be convincing.
Name: Chrono Trigger
Seed: 11
Not a ton of people on GR have played CT, but just about everyone who has likes it, and that makes it pretty strong in showdowns. It will probably never finish in a top 10, but it can win a match or two. Really, it usually winds up with bad luck, keeping it from going far.
Name: Half Life
Seed: 3
The 2002 champion has since fallen in the 2nd round in 2003, squeezed into the top 10 in 2004, and recently found the top 8 in 2005. So it's certainly a possibility it could win, but tends to run into a hump when faced with a MGS game. Still, keep an eye out for it.

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