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Game Details

Date/Time: TBA
Location: TBA
Winner: Spawn
Name: Spawn
Seed: 7
Spawn's body is quite dense, weighing over five hundred pounds (250 kg), and is composed completely of necroplasm. This gives him super strength and durability. While he still has internal organs, they are non-functional, and their damage/destruction does not hinder Spawn in the least. These organs re-appear when he magically regenerates his wounds. This may be due to Spawn's inability to let go of his human self, retaining his human organs even though he no longer requires them.

Spawn wears a living symbiotic costume, Leetha of the 7th House of K (aka: K7-Leetha). While wearing it the host assumes a dominant role over his suit. His cape, spikes, chains, and skulls are all part of an organism bonded to his central nervous system that will protect Spawn even if he is unconscious.

The true source of the costume is the necroplasm in Spawn's body, from which it feeds. It is possible for Spawn to draw this energy back when he needs it, using it to power his abilities without draining his own reserves. The costume can also feed off evil energy from the physical world, feeding off the ambient evil of people, animals (mainly carrion insects, but also wolves and bats) and even certain parts of the city. A part of his physical powers actually comes from his suit, because of its connection to his nervous system, Simmons is able to use it in a shapeshifting manner, including the manifestation of spikes, armor plating, or transforming the cape into a battle axe. The cape itself is an effective offensive weapon able to strike in battle with its extreme preciseness, severing limbs, and or disarm enemies.

Spawn has vast magical powers. Spawn has a limited power supply whose quantity would be shown to the reader in the form of a counter that began at 9:9:9:9. Each time Spawn used his energy, the counter drains. Consequently, Simmons relies primarily on his costume's natural abilities or weapons, rather than the magical abilities in combat. Though the power source is finite, Spawn's biggest limitation is imagination. Simmons uses his ability in various ways including: resurrecting the dead, firing blasts of necroplasmic energy, teleportation, shapeshifting, and curing the sick. Simmons powers briefly becomes omnipotent, after he eats fruit from the Tree of Life.

Spawn is practically immortal unless beheaded by a weapon of heaven. He is also rendered powerless (and therefore mortal) in a patch of alley known as "The Deadzone": a small patch of Earth that is Heaven's domain and in the ethereal realm of the "Greenworld."

Following the Armageddon storyline, Spawn's power level has decreased, deriving most of the power he has left from his symbiont suit. [1]

Simmons is a highly trained soldier proficient in both armed and unarmed combat. Spawns training is to the extent that he chooses to use firearms over his magical abilities.

Spawn has an ability to "feel" or "sense" misery, pain and hatred as a gift/punishment given to him by The Keeper, an agent of the Emerald Parliament of Greenworld. He is aware, even subconsciously when someone is attacked or murdered because he has gained a further affinity with the creatures of the night and shadows and through them experiences the anguish of all mankind.

Spawn contains an unknown quantity of lost souls who can share his Hellspawn abilities, collectively known as Legion. Detective Twitch theorized that the souls that Spawn carries are those that died during the same hour that Al Simmons was killed, and that there could be as many as 6,000 souls within him. The power from these souls rendered Spawn uncontrollable by Malebolgia, and after the souls move to a hight plain, Simmons retains their knowledge and experiences.
Name: Kid Miracleman
Seed: 10
Superhuman Strength, Speed and Stamina, Invulnerability, Capable of surviving in space without ill effects, Exceptionally intelligent beyond the human norm, Able to cause thunderclaps by clapping his hands, Energy Blasts, Flight, Telepathy, Laser-vision.

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