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Game Details

Date/Time: TBA
Location: SpC2K4 board
Score: 6/10
Winner: Harry Conway
Name: Unknown
Seed: #8
User Name: Frinkahedron
Name: Unknown
Status: Villan
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Description: Very strange looking, thick glasses and is always twirling a pen in one hand.
Background: He was locked out of LUE and now is bent on revenge.
Game featured in: GAMEFAQS, THE GAME...
Famous Quote: WHY CAN'T I GET INTO LUE!!!?!!?
Attacks: His special is the troll sword, can knock out mods temporarily and seriously damage a normal human.

Name: Harry Conway
Seed: #9
User Name: kupop
Name: Harry Conway
Status: Good
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Description: Shaved head, stubble-ridden chin. Brown eyes. Wears Dark green Bullet-proof vest. Gold Metallic boots which contain thrusters. Rest of clothing is camouflage color. Has a metal back pack which houses a Rail Gun, and Oxygen tank. The tank is hooked to a gas mask like helmet, which allows him to enter any atmosphere.
Background: Harry is a soldier for the company "Kaiser Tech". Owned by Richard Kaiser, the company has been sending soldiers to other dimensions ever since they discovered how to travel to them. The Company used to be a computer hardware distributor, but when Richard took over from his father, he began to fund secret dimensional experiments, supposedly because of some experience as a child. The solidiers sent to these dimensions search after special gems, which contain spirits which where soldiers in a war from a time before our time. A time when all dimensions and worlds where one. When the worlds eventually shattered, these spirits refused to give up the fight, and where sealed away across the universes. These soldiers of kaiser tech risk all to find these gems, and bring them back to their home world.
Commander of the Lynx 04 unit of Kaiser Tech's Dimensional Forces, Harry is a hardened soldier who is well know for his reputation: he has so far lost 4 entire squads during his missions. During his mission in a alternate Tokyo, he was the one who saved his subordinate, Trevor Graves, by charging the Scorpio Spirit and using a Dimensional Travel Device (DTD) to send Himself and the spirit right into Kaiser Tech's Michigan Lab, where it was subdued by another unit. 5 years later, he stages a revolt against Kaiser Tech, Bringing about the end of the already corrupted, failing company.
Game featured in: Neo-Summoner Holy War series
Famous Quote: "Damn it, kid! Hold on tight! I'm takin' this ****** for a ride!"

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