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Game Details

Date/Time: TBA
Location: SpC2K4 board
Score: 7/8
Winner: Tony Meck
Name: Ghurag
Seed: #7
User Name: maplejet
Name: Ghurag
Status: Hero
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Description: Short Black hair, equipped with two katanas, sometimes dresses up in black clothing covering his face to hide his identity...other times, he's dressed in a white shirt and black pants.
The world, once a land that prospered with technology, beauty, and prosperity fell one day, when asteroids struck and wiped out most of Earth. Though there were plenty of survivors, most of the land was destroyed, and there was almost nothing to look forward too. A evil group led by a young 21-year old general named Kowa claimed lands, and began a rule of hatred and destruction.
Meanwhile, Ghurag, who was a young boy with a ton of friends got separated on that day, and found himself on an island where a ninja master was inhabiting even before the blasts. He learned the skills of the ninjas for one year before his master vanished. Ghurag took a boat and paddled back to his old lands, now falling to the hands of Kowa. While his friends believed he was dead, Ghurag decided to take a different identity so no one would notice him. He fought to save his continent from evil and joined a group of long lost friends, including his old girlfriend. Ghurag decided not to reveal his real identity and remain hidden as a ninja, and he joined the quest to stop Kawa and his army. During the quest, they discovered that the asteroids may have been linked to Kawa, but they were unaware that a deeper evil existed. One that threatened to keep the deserted earth...deserted.
Game featured in: The Dark Zone (a post-apocalyptic RPG where a young teen hides his identity from his friends who are still leaving.
Famous Quote:
Name: Tony Meck
Seed: #10
User Name: Paffy
Name: Tony Meck
Status: Neutral
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Description: Leather Jacket(black), Jeans (blue), Black shoes, Not very muscled, but he's strong...
Background: His brother Fred went to jail, because he killed someone. Both they both know that he's falsely accused. To free his brother from jail, he earns money by being a bouncer at the club. First the hero thinks he's a villian, but he's only doing his job.
Game featured in: Action Game
Famous Quote: Booh!
Attack: He just kicks your ass! With BRUTE FORCE!

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