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Game Details

Date/Time: TBA
Location: SpC2K4 board
Score: 9-5
Winner: Teh "Idiot" Dámerez
Name: Teh "Idiot" Dámerez
Seed: #3
User Name: Do not even ask
Name: Teh "Idiot" Damerez
Status: Villain
Gender: Male
Age: 180 Human Years or 36 Zaperden Years
Description: He almost looks exactly like his species, the Zaperdens. They look like a cross between a raven and Bowser, the King of Koopas. He has a bird-like head, a nearly impermeable body, two wings, and a small tail. But instead of having two wings, Teh has two large arms. He often wears a white lab coat and sometimes carries an elemental gun.
Game Featured In: Do_not_even_ask 1.0
Famous Quote: "You knows... I am free of prejudice, as I hate everyone equally."
Punch - Teh punches you.
Elemental Gun - Teh shoots you with his elemental gun, which shoots out a random elemental spell.
Jester of Flames (Only in Omega form) - Teh breathes fire at you.
Spit Acid (Only in Giant Omega form) - Teh spits out a gob of mucus-like acid at you.
Background: Teh Damerez was born in a primitive planet of creatures called Zaperdens, a bird-like race. Zaperdens were only known for their brute strength and limited intelligence. Teh's mother was a Zaperden but his father, on the other hand, was human. Both Teh's mother and father met during a universal war against The Moons. Both were solders and they eventually gained a liking to each other (Please do not ask why). For some strange reason, Teh was born with a French accent, even though both his mother and father never had one. Also, Teh was never born with any wings, instead he had two large arms.
Teh was sent to school, where he learned how to crush the cat-bats. Although Teh was ridiculed for being different, he still worked diligently through school and showed an amazingly high intelligence. Teh was then sent off to Earth for more advanced schooling. When Teh finished school he did the impossible, he had a perfect mark for every single subject he chose (Although he was criticised for his unoriginality).
Teh then decided he would represent his planet by being their only scientist. He eventually invented tons of universe changing machines and theories. He was soon accepted in the Universal Board of Scientists. However, his membership in the Universal Board of Scientists was soon revoked due to his controversial ideas like cross breeding.
Furious, Teh attempted to take over the universe by programming all the machines in the world to do his bidding but failed, as machines were few at the time due to a universal law forbidding the existence of machines. Teh was sent to jail but he escaped using his brute strength.
He eventually fled to an "underground" space colony that also planed to take over the universe. Unfortunately for Teh, this colony was under a strict budget and money in the science department was miniscule. Teh eventually created an android called CATS, which was grammatically obsolete. They sent the android along with a rather large space fleet to take over the Earth, which was currently the strongest planet in the universe. The attack failed miserably and the leader of the space colony, who never revealed himself to anyone, gave Teh the nickname "Idiot".
Enraged, Teh attempted to try to regain everyone's respect with his latest experiment that involved the fusing of objects together to create a greater object. The experiment had an interesting outcome. An animate creature was created, which he named, "Do_not_even_ask". Teh was proud of himself with his achievement but he still gained no respect from anyone. He then ran it through combat training, which it failed miserably. Teh was devastated when he was told to eliminate the creature but attempted to do so but it escaped.
Teh was then ordered to destroy the creature under any circumstances or he would be killed. Teh then created many machines like "The Destroyer", a large... thing that tries to stomp on you.
With the failure of The Destroyer, Teh decided to experiment with the fusing machine. He combined Play-Doh with pure dark matter. The result was a black blob that could change its form, and copy its enemy’s attacks. Teh called it "Do_not_even_answer".
With the repeated failures of Do_not_even_answer, Teh decided to fight fire with a replica of fire. He created a robotic replica of Do_not_even_ask, which Teh named "Don't_even_ask".
With the (You guessed it!) failure of Don't_even_ask, Teh quickly attempted to create two potions, both to change him.
When Teh was defeated by Do_not_even_ask, he quickly downed the first potion, which turned Teh's arms into wings, gave Teh the ability to breathe fire and made Teh's wings completely absorb whatever touched them. He failed again and then he downed the second one, which caused him to grow ten times in size.
Teh faced his demise when Do_not_even_ask's pet rock, Cellerbus, was absorbed through Teh's wings. He began to solidify; he fell into an active volcano, and was never heard from again.
Name: Akio Ryozaki
Seed: #14
Username: Ronin
Name: Akio Ryozaki
Status: Heroine
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Description: 5', medium build, has above-average muscle tone. Black, shaggy hair cut a few inches above shoulder length, light brown eyes. Wears black T-shirt, blue denim jacket with rolled-up sleeves, faded gray denim jeans, black sneakers, spiked black leather wristbands.
Game Featured In: Tekken series
Famous Quote: "I'm about to use your face to mop the floor. Do you mind?"
Attacks: Clean-Up Time (grabs opponent's head and sweeps his/her face along the ground); Hot Shot (drop kick followed by a kick while the opponent is down); Knockin' Noggins (brutally headbutts opponent's head-- causes major damage but also damages Akio); Handicap (crouching kick at opponent's kneecap); Pow Wow Wow (three-hit combo-- high punch followed by two midsection punches)
Formerly employed by the Mishima Corporation (founder of the Tekken tournaments) as a computer program debugger, Akio quit the company after hacking into its records and learning of its secret, illegal genetics and biotechnology experiments. She's entered the Iron Fist Tournament claiming to be after its cash prize, but she's actually using it to gather evidence and hopefully expose their activities to the authorities.
Akio's father, Tadashi, was a drunk and a brawler in his youth. After trying and failing to stop a drunken man from beating his children, he vowed to sober up and be a dad that his own kids would love and respect. He has taught Akio his fighting style, which relies purely on brute strength and simple, straightforward punches, kicks and throws rather than flashy or flowing martial arts moves. As a result, Akio possesses an amazingly disproprotionate amount of strength for a person of her size (she's just 5 feet tall) and was seldom bullied in her school years (if anyone tried to bully her, he/she quickly learned his/her lesson-- painfully).
Akio is superstitious and easily spooked—- a firm believer in the supernatural. While proficient at fighting, she doesn't actively pick fights and is actually quite easygoing and sociable. She's a proficient hacker with connections to local and international software pirates, underground conspiracy-theory publications and punk and techno bands-- all of which she keeps a secret from her parents, who think that she's a sweet, angelic, "normal" person.

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