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Game Details

Date/Time: TBA
Location: SpC2K4 board
Score: 6/4
Winner: Grand Lord Voxxyn
Name: Grand Lord Voxxyn
Seed: #8
User Name: VGerX2001
Name: Grand Lord Voxxyn, leader of the Corporate Guild
Status: Corrupt villain
Gender: Male
Age: 100+ years old
Description: In the inner layer, a crippled, worn-out battle scarred warrior, mantained by his fearsome outer layer--fine silver-grey armoring, a smooth and very long jet-black cape, and a metallic strap mask surgically attached to his cranium.
Background: Born in a enigmatic family of Grand Lords... forced to wear the legendary Voxx mask since his early childhood... took the reigns of Grand Lord from his father(Vandrosse) shortly after the Marauder Saga... a walking symbol of evil, with unmatched combat experience and supernatural abilities, inherited from his family.
Game featured in: Freedom Fighters trilogy, coming to PS2 this fall.
Famous Quote: Hope? Hope? Hope is nothing more than the art of denying the bitter facts placed right before their eyes. ~ Voxxyn during the Battle of Renux
Attacks: Last Rites - Causes a shrieking sensation of blinding pain in the victim's body with the snap of a finger, and can hold it until he mutters the counter-curse or the victim dies thanks to the pain. Voxxyn also knows countless of spells and curses.

Name: Kozyn Gigglephizz
Seed: #9
User Name: Zoidbergs Totodile
Name: Kozyn Gigglephizz
Status: Hero
Gender: Male
Age: 51
Description: He's a gnome, and he wears a karate gi. His hair, beard, and mustache is white, and his eyes are silver. He weighs about 42 pounds, and he's 3'2". Oh, and he speaks broken English.
Background: One day, a Monk temple found a baby gnome on its door steps. Now, it wasn't one of those wimpy, weakling Monk temples. These Monks were badass and hardcore, yo. They taught Kozyn everything they knew. Soon, Kozyn became so elite and hardcore, that everyone who came into his presence instantly ph34red him, and knew of his mad 1337 skillz. He also became the village pimp.
Game featured in: Panda Presents: Kozyn Gigglephizz and the Big Orgy Misadventure
Super Gnome Kick
Gnomeja Stars (Shurikens)
Mega Super Gnomish Powered Kick of Powerfulness
Gnome Chop
Gigglephizz Fury
Uber Uppercut

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