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Game Details

Date/Time: TBA
Location: SpC2K4 board
Score: 3/9
Winner: Craigory Marner
Name: Cinos Esyv
Seed: #6
User Name: WiggumFan267
Name: Cinos Esyv (pronounced See-nohss Ees-ev)
Nickname: "Blue Ages"
Status: Hero
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Description: Blue skin. Blue clothes. Blue weapons. This guy wears nothing besides blue... Skin?It's sometimes hard to tell if he's even wearing clothes. He is not all human either. He is part fast hedgehog and part Air Pirate.
Background: Simple. Sonic, one day ran so fast, not paying attention to himself, he crashed into fellow SEGA buddy, Vyse (also running). Sonic was holding a Chaos Emerald. Vyse was holding a moonstone. The 2 objects merged and in turn merged Sonic and Vyse. Most of their bodies combined into one part, except they have 2 heads (Sonic and Vyse, duh.). Armed with a spikey boomerang/ring type object that can be trhown or bashed into an enemy. Has all the best qualties of Sonic and Vyse; blue, fast, swift, witty, good with weapons, skilled captain. Oh, and blue.
Game featured in: Skies of the Hedgehog (Mostly a platformer, though there are many parst in which you play as an RPG. The platfomer part also includes RPG elements. Basically, the story is starightfoward. Stop the evil guy, Dr. Ramirnik, from taking over the world..
Famous Quote: "It ain't meals on wheels I'm after- It's you!"
Attacks: Here are his most popular:
Supersonic Swords (throws razor sharps swords really fast)
Blindness Blue Blur (Damages heavily and temporoarily confuses opponent)
Cutlass Dash: (charges at full speed at opponent with sword pointing right at heart. One-Hit KO 80% of the time in random encouters. Significant damage to bosses)
Homing-erang: (Throws spiked ring like boomerang, but automtically homes in)
Spin Out: (Rolls spike wheel at enemy and does rapid damage sucessively depending on how fast you can mash buttons)

Name: Craigory Marner
Seed: #11
User Name: Tejayes
Name: Craigory Marner, a.k.a. "D'Onic"
Status: Hero, yet people tend to think otherwise
Gender: Male
Age: 41
Description: Face appears sorta burnt/hellspawn, complete with red eyes and small horns. Wears a black Amish-style hat with a huge brim to cover his eyes. Wears a flowing, black minister's robe, complete with white collar. Holds a Bible in one hand (must wear a special glove) and a special crucifix in the other (I'll explain).
Background: Craigory was a typical Lutheran minister. A powerful satanic cult believed they had a way to bring the Devil's minions into the world. The demons needed to be channeled into a human body, so the leader of the cult decided to use holy men (priests, rabbis, ministers, lamas, etc.). Craigory was one of the many captured for the cult's practice. The transformation was nearly successful, but Craigory subdued the pain by committing a frightening sin: giving up hope. As soon as he did, he was able to fight the demon trying to overtake him, and kept control of his now hellish body. He escaped, but not before killing a few cult members. With help from a Catholic Cardinal--one of the few people to believe he wasn't evil--he fashioned a special crucifix to help him destroy the demons brought into the world as D'Onic (contraction of Demonic).
Game featured in: Holy Wars: The Road Less Traveled
Famous Quote: "Don't take my spot in Hell, lamb."
Other: D'Onic's Crucifix: It's your basic Lutheran cross, except the short ends are as sharp as swords and they can be shot like a harpoon. Furthermore, if sunlight or moonlight is cast on it, it can permanently blind demonic forces. The crucifix can only damage the evil part of a person: a kind-hearted individual will sustain minimal damage, while a petty criminal will feel some hurt. Extremely nasty people may be brought to a comatose state, but humans can never be killed.

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