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Game Details

Date/Time: TBA
Location: SpC2K4 board
Score: 10/2
Winner: Kezrael
Name: Kezrael
Seed: #2
User Name: Caelus
Name: Kezrael
Status: Once a villain, now unknown...
Gender: Male
Age: Ancient (an archangel)
Game featured in: Millenium Cycle (made up), Faded World (made up)
Famous Quote: (doesn't say much)
Description (Millenium Cycle): Tall, Golden eyes, golden skin with various bird-image tatoos (birds of prey), Black hair (somewhat long), wears tattered-looking armor (breast plate, shoulder plates and leg guards), wears reddish-brown helm, shaped like the head of a hawk with a single huge feather sticking out from the back, pointing downwards, dark brown hawk-like wings
Description (Faded World): Tall, Grey eyes, pale skin, dark grey hair (somewhat long), wears dull clothing, has ghostly ethereal wings (can be hidden)
Background: Kezrael was once a powerful archangel in a golden realm. During the millenial cycle of Earth (a cycle being the reconstruction of the planet after its previous 'armaggeddon' to its next armaggeddon), Kezrael was sought out by an an extremely powerful evil being known as the 'time-walker.' The time-walker had previously waged war with the eternal forces of good in previous cycles and had been defeated on more than one occasion. It had found a loophole though, in this cycle, and planned to set forth a chain of events that would devastate the balance in the universe. So Kezrael was sought out and corrupted by this being, becoming the fourth of four powerful generals of the time-walker. As with many stories like this, there was a chosen group of heroes prophecized to pose a serious threat to the time-walker's plans. Kezrael attempted to destroy the strongest of the heroes as a child, but accidentally and ironically set forth a chain of events that led that child to later in life become the hero he was 'destined' to be. Kezrael may have been corrupted, a fallen angel, but he was still wise and transcendent. He understood his role, and Sirrus' role, knowing they would one day meet again. He decieved Sirrus for a long time, posing as 'Kestral,' a birdman who owned a 'messenger falcon' business. His services were vital in Sirrus' quest, but near the end of the quest, after the other three generals of the time-walker had fallen, Kezrael revealed his true self. After a long and climactic battle, he was defeated, his soul freed. His chaotic evil sword known as the Jetblack Eclipse brightened, now empowered by the surge of holy energy brought forth by Kezrael's freed soul. Sirrus picked up the sword, giving it a new identity as the Piercelight Spire. Not long after this, Sirrus and his allies defeated the time-walker... Background (continued): Kezrael continued to exist though, subconsciously. Time passed, an abstract amount of time flowing in an indefinite direction. Kezrael was reincarnated. His alignment was unclear to him at this point. His sword was returned to him, not as either of its previous forms, but in a new form, not jet black or piercing white, but a dark silvery color, both dark and light at the same time. It was a reflection of whomever wielded it. Just like the sword, Kezrael was a combination of his former selves, both good and evil, paradoxically. He felt not at all compelled to do good or bad, but felt a sense of divine importance. He has some purpose... A lone archangel, affiliated with no one and nothing, except for his sword, Paradox. The millenium cycle has passed... It is a new cycle, the world has been reset. Kezrael has returned for a reason, and will patiently wait to be informed of his cause, while at the same time relentlessly search to understand his purpose. There is something wrong with the world now. Reality itself seems to be inconsistant... In every concievable sense, this world has faded...
Moves: Flashbolt, Gleam Clash, Split Wave, Ethereal Strike, Strobe Flash, Faded Light, Ethereal Rift, Mindbreaker, Paradox Funnel, Disassemble, Spirit Flare, Psychic Flay, Broken Dream (to name a few...)
Name: Lu Bu
Seed: #15
User Name: LuBuorBigB
Name: Lu Bu
Status: Villian
Gender: Male
Age: 1500
Description: Asian, HUGE, wears a white suit, and a hat with those little antennae thingies coming out of it; weilds a massive spear
Background: He betrayed pretty much everybody in the time of the three kingdoms, and he's just here to perform great beat downs.
Game featured in: Dynasy Warriors Series, Kessen Series
Famous Quote: "Outta my way!"

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