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Game Details

Date/Time: TBA
Location: SpC2K4 board
Score: 6/1
Winner: Yuhashi XR193
Name: Yuhashi XR193
Seed: #5
User Name: darkcloud36
Name: Yuhashi XR193
Status: Neutral (unknown)
Gender: Female
Age: 3200 years old, but she appears to be around 25 or 26
Description: She is 5'7" with long, flowing purple hair and dark green eyes. She wears armor that somewhat resembles a skirt, and fully represents her curvy figure. She has a long sheath which contains a scimitar like sword therein. Also on her belt is a small pistol.
Background: Known as a world-class war machine, this bombshell has looks that can kill. Modeled somewhat off of the outdated KOS-MOS, her intentions are a mystery. She appears quite randomly to simply destroy things, but her hard drive was never completed, so a pattern has not yet been linked to the carnage. She has the power to create firepower from another dimension, similar to her distant relative KOS-MOS, however, as with the technology that has developed, her power is much more formidable than KOS-MOS'.
She has a weapon programmed into her system that is capable of destroying entire planets, so the entire world is after her. Is she bad, is she good? That is up to you to find out.
Game featured in: Xenosaga Ep. V
Famous Quote: Stand up straight and look presentable! I wouldn't want to kill you looking like that, now would I?
Attacks: Pistol Shot
Synthesis Blade
Absolute Randomizer
Backwards Blast
Soul Fade
Gunner XR 3000
Gunner YR 4000
Gunner ZR 5000
Rain Of Destruction
Name: Azim
Seed: #13
User Name: Andel
Name: Azim
Status: Anti-Hero
Gender: Male
Age: 3,000 or so
Description: Dark black hair. Jet black eyes. Extremely pale wite skin. About six one, 200 pounds.
Background: Azim is an Child Of The Millenia. He is an ancient vampire of forgotten Greece. Azim's only goal in life is to be worshiped by his followers in a remote, desolate village.
Game featured in: The Vampire Chronicles.
Famous Quote: "I am Azim, the wretched bastard that will drink your blood."
Attacks:Decapitation Station.
Little Drink
Full Drink
Neck Snap

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