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Game Details

Date/Time: TBA
Location: SpC2K4 board
Score: 5/2
Winner: Craigory Marner
Name: Craigory Marner
Seed: #11
User Name: Tejayes
Name: Craigory Marner, a.k.a. "D'Onic"
Status: Hero, yet people tend to think otherwise
Gender: Male
Age: 41
Description: Face appears sorta burnt/hellspawn, complete with red eyes and small horns. Wears a black Amish-style hat with a huge brim to cover his eyes. Wears a flowing, black minister's robe, complete with white collar. Holds a Bible in one hand (must wear a special glove) and a special crucifix in the other (I'll explain).
Background: Craigory was a typical Lutheran minister. A powerful satanic cult believed they had a way to bring the Devil's minions into the world. The demons needed to be channeled into a human body, so the leader of the cult decided to use holy men (priests, rabbis, ministers, lamas, etc.). Craigory was one of the many captured for the cult's practice. The transformation was nearly successful, but Craigory subdued the pain by committing a frightening sin: giving up hope. As soon as he did, he was able to fight the demon trying to overtake him, and kept control of his now hellish body. He escaped, but not before killing a few cult members. With help from a Catholic Cardinal--one of the few people to believe he wasn't evil--he fashioned a special crucifix to help him destroy the demons brought into the world as D'Onic (contraction of Demonic).
Game featured in: Holy Wars: The Road Less Traveled
Famous Quote: "Don't take my spot in Hell, lamb."
Other: D'Onic's Crucifix: It's your basic Lutheran cross, except the short ends are as sharp as swords and they can be shot like a harpoon. Furthermore, if sunlight or moonlight is cast on it, it can permanently blind demonic forces. The crucifix can only damage the evil part of a person: a kind-hearted individual will sustain minimal damage, while a petty criminal will feel some hurt. Extremely nasty people may be brought to a comatose state, but humans can never be killed.
Name: Mach X
Seed: #14
User: WiggumFan267
Name: Mach X, short for Mach
Status: Evil, then good, like Shadow
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Game seen in: Sonic the Hedgehog: Mach Speed (made-up game)
Quote: "Your pathetic attempt to defeat the one and only, Mach X, will be your ultimate downfall! Prepare to feel the true fury of speed!"
Features and How they look: Like Sonic and Shadow exceept Green, with a yellow steak on the back of his head, like Shadow's red streak. When in his "super form" (Mega Mach), he turns all neon orange. His voice is deeper than Shadow's and is stronger and faster, about Sonic's speed.
Attacks: Chaos Control, Emerald Burst, Hyper Spin, Mach Speed
Background: He was found, injured in the Mystic Ruins, near the temple. Orignally claiming he used to be evil in his extensive past, he claims he is now a freedom fighter. His original orgin is unknown and he refuses to talk about it. Although Sonic & Co. agreed they'd help each other get back a special emerald Eggman stole to destroy the world(what else is new?). Mach X seemed friendly towards them, but he double-crossed them by working for Eggman who offered him a life of luxury. He lied. No one lies to Mach X so he then triple-crossed Eggman, and re-helped Sonic & Co. and attempts to re-gain their trust. After being attacked, Mach X refuses to strike back, proving his trust and to earn more trust, he reveals his past. He admits he was a descndant of Eggman. When he lived first, he was evil. He was a terror to his hometown and constantly attemped to rule the world, failing. He was naturallly recreated by the temple, and the spirits of the temple assigned him as, the only one powerful enough to fufill the needs of the temple. He was the guardian of the temple put there to guard the Ultimate Emerald, controller of the Master Emerald and the 7 Chaos Emeralds. The temple spirits agreed to bring him to life and make him live eternally on the conditions he gurads the Ultimate Emerald with his life, and never reveals his past, to betray or lose the emerald, or is considered unreliable. Eggman sucessfully knocked him out to steal the emerald, which is why he was unconcious by the temple. They are able to get the emerald back, after Sonic and mach clash to defeat Eggman and the emerald is safely returned, but since Mach has broken the rules of the temple spirits, he slowly de-materilizes and will die shortly. Mach showed bravery and trust towards Sonic & Co. and Mach knows although he has broken the spirts' pact, he knows he died to save the world and Sonic & Co bid him a tearful Adieu.

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